A solvent based, anti-corrosive metal primer for use on structural steel and misc. metal fabrications in residential and commercial applications, as well as light to moderate industrial applications. Most often specified for field application or repainting. Products conforming to this specification will provide good corrosion resistance on poorly prepared metal surfaces which may only receive a minimum of solvent degreasing (SSPC — SP1) followed by hand or tool power cleaning (SSPC SP2 or 3). Will be top coated with conventional alkyd (MPI #8, #9 for exterior, MPI #47, #48, #49, #51for interior), for interior surfaces MPI # 151,153 or 154 W.B. Light Industrial Coating (formerly MPI #110) or for exterior surfaces MPI #161,163,164 W.B. Light Industrial Coating (formerly MPI #110), dry fall (MPI #55, #118), multi color (MPI #112) and aluminum (MPI #1). Application is by brush, roller, and airless or conventional spray. |