Coating Technology
Topics Covered:
The definition of paint and its main components.
Paint binder types and resins.
Pigments, including white, color, metallic, extender and functional.
Additives, including Surfactants, driers and catalysts, rheology modifiers, and more.
Paint Types & Manufacture
Topics Covered:
Descriptions of the most common types of paint found on the market, focusing heavily on products for architectural applications.
Discussion on how paint is actually made.
How and why coatings are made in “batches,” what’s on batch cards, and the importance of batch numbers.
Equipment used to mix and produce paint.
Quality control tests and procedures used throughout the paint manufacturing process: why they’re necessary and how they’re done.
Paint Color
Topics Covered:
General information about the source of color and how color is seen by the human eye.
Color Theory:
The primary color system, etc.
Dimensions of color.
Systems developed to identify and measure color.
How paint and coatings get their color
Description of the difference between gloss and light reflectance.
Psychology of color and how it affects humans.
Paint Application
Topics Covered:
Brushes – types of brushes and the methods/techniques used.
Rollers – types of rollers, general methods/techniques and additional equipment used.
Spray equipment – 4 basic types of spray equipment, general methods/techniques used, and the advantages/disadvantages for each type.
Paint Safety
Topics Covered:
Product safety and SDS (Safety Data Sheet)
Best practices for safe use of different types of access equipment and ladders.
Personal protection including: head, ear, eye, body, hands, feet and respiratory.
Best practices for storage, handling and transport of paint.
Lead-based paint and the roles and responsibilities involved in its removal.
Potential safety hazards including fire and electrical.
Paint Specification
Topics Covered:
What is a painting specification and its purpose.
What are the sections of a specification and where to find the info you may need.
Four types of MPI Guide Specifications and how to use them.
Paint Standards
Topics Covered:
Discussion of the MPI standards including: gloss levels, green performance, product standards, MPI repaint surface preparation standards, etc.
Brief overview of the SSPC/NACE/AMPP surface preparation standards.
Paint and the Environment
Topics Covered:
Terms related to the “Green” or environmental movement.
The agencies involved with the green movement including current VOC regulations.
LEED and its requirements regarding paint.
Other issues relevant to paint and the environment, including recycled paints; the benefits of using lighter colors; and the importance of performance and durability to determine what is truly an environmentally-friendly coating.