In this course, students will learn about:
- Coating technology and paint types
- Concepts of color
- Paint application
- Best safety practices
- Basics of specifications and standards
- Environmental regulations and
In this course, students will learn about:
- Best practices for new construction painting
- Detailed systems selection by substrate
- Analyze and review short, basic specifications
- Substrate evaluation and required surface preparation
In this course, students will learn about:
- Best practices for maintenance repainting
- Detailed systems selection by substrate
- Surface/coatings evaluation
- DSD levels & required surface
preparation & priming
- Write short, basic specifications
- Best Practices for Quality Assurance
In this course, students will learn about:
- Analyze and review detailed specifications (new construction)
- Write and review detail repaint specifications
- Use of inspection equipment
- Document job quality and
adherence to the specification
- Identify problems/issues and develop solutions